Take 5 Certificate



Our Take 5 Certificate offers 5.00% APYwith a low minimum deposit.

Take 5证书的特点和好处:
  • Fixed 5.00% APY1
  • Short 5-month term1
  • Open with as little as $500
  • New money required
  • 开户存款上限为五千美元,每人一笔 


  1. Must be a new member to the credit union. 每个社会安全号码一张证书(开放或封闭)
  2. 必须是新的钱,而不是目前在信用社的存款
  3. 必须有一个活跃的(一个月一个交易?, including but not limited to, Direct Deposit, Preauthorized Payments, Checks, ATM, POS, Debit Card, 和账单支付)支票账户与遗产 OR one of the following:
    • 新货币市场,最低余额为$5,000或
    • 新的普通存款证明书,最低余额为$5,000或
    • 新的韦德体育开户退休帐户证书,最低余额为5,000美元或
    • 新(资助)消费贷款不包括股票担保贷款和万事达卡账户(贷款不符合条件包括:信用卡, Share Secured loans, Certificate Secured loans)

如果证书有效期内不满足条件, Take 5 certificate的费率将降至1美元,000, 剩余期限为3个月的股票兑换率. 存单有效期内不得再存取款.  存单到期后自动转到主要储蓄账户.  如有任何问题,请致电877-495-1600.

Easy access to your account:
  • Online Banking-审查交易历史,利用预算工具,进行外部转账等等.
  • Mobile Banking2 including Bill Pay, Deposit, PayItNow person-to-person payments3
  • Free eStatements
  • CoastLine Telephone Banking 





18 Month Bump Rate Certificate

了解更多关于18个月的保费证书与加州海岸信用社. Contact us today to get started.

Youth Certificates

加州海岸青年证书是完美的任何人25岁或以下. 这是为孩子的未来增加储蓄的最佳时机. 

Summer Certificate

夏季证书是完美的梦想假期或储蓄为孩子们的夏令营和活动. 提前计划并在加州海岸开设暑期证书. 

  1. APY= Annual Percentage Yield. Rates are accurate as of 05/14/2024.  Early withdrawal penalty applies. Fees could reduce earnings. 优惠不包括韦德体育开户退休账户. New Money only. Take 5证书优惠仅适用于新会员. This offer excludes existing memberships. 主要会员可以相同会员名称及相关税号开立一个Take 5证书帐户. 开立储蓄存款证并获得APY存款的最低余额是500美元. 开户最高存款余额为5,000美元. 除最低余额要求外,以下条件也适用:(a)消费者账户成员:活跃(每月一次交易), including but not limited to, Direct Deposit, Preauthorized Payments, Checks, ATM, POS, Debit Card, 和账单支付)支票账户或公开(资金)消费贷款(不包括股票担保贷款和万事达信用卡账户)或最低余额为5美元,000 in a money market account, regular certificate account, or IRA certificate account. (b)商业账户成员:每月一次有效交易, including but not limited to, Direct Deposit, Preauthorized Payments, Checks, ATM, POS, Debit Card, 商业支票帐户,并附有遗产税或最低余额为5美元,在商业货币市场账户中存入10,000英镑(收取费用), (如适用)或商业信用额度(LOC). 您将有30天的宽限期来满足要求. If the conditions are not met, the 5.在剩余期限内,对于3个月的证书账户,00%的年利率可以降低为有效的年利率. Membership and credit subject to approval. 为每一个在圣地亚哥或河滨县生活或工作的人服务. 新会员——一次性缴纳5美元会员费并开立储蓄账户. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Limited time offer. Subject to change without notice. Other restrictions may apply. Federally insured by NCUA.  
  2. 请咨询您的无线服务提供商,以确定是否适用数据和短信费率.
  3. Maximum transfer amount is $1,000. There is no fee to use this service. Learn More.



Don't be a stranger, we're your neighbor

对你的账户有疑问,申请贷款,或者你准备讨论再融资? Whatever your question or need, 我们的会员服务中心随时恭候您的光临 your best interest at heart. 

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